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Hedgefunds December 21, 2009

Posted by Emily in Uncategorized.
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I have a list of post ideas sitting in front of me, right here on a Post-it, but with no real clue about when they might actually happen.

In the meantime, I’m trying to get all packed up and ready to go home for Christmas. My dad apparently had to use a blowdryer on my mom’s car doors this morning, they were so encased in ice, and it’s supposed to rain again tonight. Marvy. I just want to be home, sleep in, do some caroling and some visiting and some present giving and receiving and be mellow. At least until Sunday, when I’m back to town and work.

But I couldn’t help but post this.

hedgefund coin banks hedgefund coin bank detail

The coins spin around like those plastic vortexes that used to be in the foyer at KMart, where the proceeds went to the Ronald McDonald House. I could always get my mom to give me coins for them, mostly because watching them spiral around and around was fascinating and worth more than the spare change itself.

I could use a Zen moment like this today. And hey, if it facilitates saving, all the better! Considerably chicer than the electronic counting banks I’ve sort of had my eye on lately…

(via Desire to Inspire)