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Bye bye, 2008 December 31, 2008

Posted by Emily in fiesta.
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I have to admit, I’m not much of a fan of New Year’s Eve. Any event that includes a countdown seems to be anticlimactic, I think. But I’ll go out with some old friends, meet my friend’s fiance (fresh off the plane from England), toast them with some free champagne at midnight, and look forward to a new year.

Which isn’t to say 2008 was a bad one. It was a crazy year in many ways, completely different than years past. Some things didn’t go as planned, sure. But I also have a huge collection of fond memories from the last 12 months. I had a great time, did some traveling, discovered that I really do like teaching and really might want to pursue it as a career here one of these days (just not with the wee ones…I’m too anti-jumper to be an elementary school teacher. plus the whole patience of Job bit…)

I’m looking forward to a new start. I’m trying to be open to whatever might come my way. 2009 is going to be an exciting year, for me, for my friends, for the country.

And it’ll be fun to share all of that here.

Now to think of a resolution…and choose my shoes for the night.

No need for dreaming December 23, 2008

Posted by Emily in a few of my favorite things, fiesta, Montana, things that make me smile.
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We are going to have a white Christmas, and now that my brother is home from driving all over the Pacific Northwest, I can be really excited about it. Last year was white lights in orange trees, which was lovely and new, but I really have been dreaming of a white Christmas for this year.

(some of you may have already seen this, as my uncle sent it out last year…but it makes me smile every time)

Merry Christmas!

A few of my favorite things December 15, 2008

Posted by Emily in a few of my favorite things, Blogs I read and like, design, moving, photography, things that make me smile.


Analyze this how you will, but I have been on a serious design kick in the past couple of months. I’ve always had sort of a thing for interiors, subscribing to Domino even when I was living in a one bedroom the size of some people’s closets. Maybe it’s all those years in graphic/web design. What can I say? I like discussing fonts. A Pantone chart brings me great joy. At any rate, this is what’s been catching my eye lately.


Skansen, this crazy awesome Swedish open air museum/folklore theme park in Stockholm (ok, so hard to describe) recently opened an online Swedish version of their amazing boutique, with an English version coming this month.

Design Stockholm

Speaking of my love of the Swedes and their design-y capital, I adore this basket from Design House Stockholm. First saw the bike basket version in Oprah magazine, then have seen it here and there on flickr. Not sure why it makes me smile, but it does.

panic and freak out

From the funny folks at TypeTees.com (a division of threadless. com) comes this t-shirt, a nice counterpart to the ubiquitous  “Keep Calm and Carry On” poster. Someone needs to make fun of it already.

pantone pannetone


As seen on pan-dan (via Apartment Therapy), some clever Brits brought together pannetone, the Italian Christmas bread, and the above mentioned Pantone color chart. How cool are these?

dark photo

As I’ve been trying to learn more lately about exposure, I’ve been really drawn to dark photography like this lately (seen on desire to inspire), especially in magazines like Saveur and Gourmet. And no, I haven’t actually made a single recipe out of either mag. The photos just feel so winter-y, especially when it’s so flipping cold here.

Eames Stamps

A design-conscious flickr friend of mine sent me a link to these Eames rubber stamps. I’ve been using the U.S. Postal Service version for a while, but these would be a fun little addition to the flap of an envelope.

magnet vases

Who knew the Spertus Institute for Jewish Studies had such cool stuff? I love these sleek magnetic vases, held in place by magnets under the tablecloth. Their Twisted Into Recognition exhibit also looks fascinating.

Vivienne Tam HP

And finally, who knew that a computer could be so pretty? The Vivienne Tam HP Mini “digital clutch” is just that.

</dream sequence>

The private made public December 12, 2008

Posted by Emily in blog.

Ever since I decided, about a year and a half ago, to start a blog, I’ve been a bit wary of the medium. I never wanted to have a LiveJournal-style place to ramble and air out all of my emotions and angst. Most of my “deep thoughts” will be permanently contained within my (real) journal, thanks very much. But as time passes, anyone who reads this blog can learn a lot about me, my life, and my way of seeing the world. And mostly I’m OK with that.

But I’ve been thinking a lot about the weird public nature of the internet lately. Even though I made my facebook profile and photo albums private a long time ago, I am still sometimes concerned about what conclusions future employers could come to if they really dug through college photos of me and friends posted somewhere in cyberspace. A friend just announced her engagement–via facebook. And since she was in the UK at the time, it didn’t seem like such a strange decision, even if a phone call from here might have been more fun in a perfect world. I’ve learned of more engagements and marriages via facebook in the past few years than any other medium, mostly high school acquaintances and plenty of people I haven’t kept in touch with. And yet I know things about their lives. It’s really a little odd when you take a second to think about it.

Or maybe it isn’t, and I’m just being old fashioned. I’m one of the few people who still keeps the U.S. Postal Service busy, 42 cents at a time. I look forward to the mail every day, even though all I usually get is the occasional magazine. A postcard makes my day, a good letter, my week.

So it’s funny, I guess, with so much presence online–between this blog, Flickr, facebook, videos posted on YouTube and Viddler, reviews on Tupalo–that I’ve been really hesitating when considering joining last.fm. For those of you who don’t know, last.fm is sort of like internet radio–except each person has their own station. You install this little plug-in and the music you play on iTunes is posted online, as well as information about the artists and recommendations for similar artists you might like. And I love the idea of it. I love trolling people’s stations and listening to new music. But I’m also a bit weirded out by it.

In general, I am OK with my music taste. I don’t have a big secret Celine Dion fetish or a deep, abiding love for the musical stylings of Kenny G. Even though my friend made their video, the “comeback” of the New Kids on the Block this year didn’t really have any effect on my playlist. But if I’m in the mood to listen to Michael Jackson all afternoon, do I want the whole world to know? Or if I go into a Neil Halstead barely breathing funk, should anyone passing by know it’s not been a good day? Even stranger would be any old day, when my choices (sometimes governed by whatever comes up in shuffle, sometimes not) could only be described as a bit schizo. So I don’t know. I’ll have to think about whether I’m willing to share my music choices with anyone out there.

I recently posted a ton of photos on Flickr from my little trip to Butte and have gotten lots of feedback, mostly from hardcore fans of the city. It’s been sort of funny. But maybe all of these thoughts about privacy were brought on by this message I received on Flickr:

Dear Mistress Emily,

i hope that i do not overly intrude. i was randomly roving around flicker and happened upon a photo of the M&M cigar store in my good old hometown of Butte so of course had to pop in and see the lovely Lady’s photos and say hello. Not often that you encounter a world class Lady lingering in Butte and documenting the visit. Please be well and take very good care.

It’s nice enough, but there’s something kind of weird about a total stranger calling you a “world class Lady,” even with the most innocent and honorable of intentions. Right? And hey, I put those pictures up for the world to see. Maybe it’s just the capitalization that weirds me out.

What do you all think? Am I being paranoid? Does anyone really care what music I listen to anyway? Does “world class Lady” seem sort of funky? Does this post have any point?